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ClassList > VL_NOT_FINAL

Inherits the following classes: VerilatedModel

Public Attributes

Type Name
VL_IN & in1
VL_IN & in2
VL_IN & in3
VL_IN & in4
VL_OUT & mux_o
Vtop___024root *const rootp
VL_IN8 & sel_i

Public Functions

Type Name
Vtop (VerilatedContext * contextp, const char * name="TOP")
Vtop (const char * name="TOP")
void eval ()
Evaluate the model. Application must call when inputs change.
void eval_end_step ()
void eval_step ()
Evaluate when calling multiple units/models per time step.
bool eventsPending ()
Are there scheduled events to handle?
void final ()
Simulation complete, run final blocks. Application must call on completion.
const char * hierName () override const
const char * modelName () override const
const char * name () const
Retrieve name of this model instance (as passed to constructor).
uint64_t nextTimeSlot ()
Returns time at next time slot. Aborts if !eventsPending()
unsigned threads () override const
void trace (VerilatedVcdC * tfp, int levels, int options=0)
Trace signals in the model; called by application code.
std::unique_ptr< VerilatedTraceConfig > traceConfig () override const
virtual ~Vtop ()
Destroy the model; called (often implicitly) by application code.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable in1


variable in2


variable in3


variable in4


variable mux_o


variable rootp

Vtop___024root* const VL_NOT_FINAL::rootp;

variable sel_i

VL_IN8& VL_NOT_FINAL::sel_i;

Public Functions Documentation

function Vtop [1/2]

explicit VL_NOT_FINAL::Vtop (
    VerilatedContext * contextp,
    const char * name="TOP"

Construct the model; called by application code If contextp is null, then the model will use the default global context If name is "", then makes a wrapper with a single model invisible with respect to DPI scope names.

function Vtop [2/2]

explicit VL_NOT_FINAL::Vtop (
    const char * name="TOP"

function eval

inline void VL_NOT_FINAL::eval () 

function eval_end_step

void VL_NOT_FINAL::eval_end_step () 

Evaluate at end of a timestep for tracing, when using eval_step(). Application must call after all eval() and before time changes.

function eval_step

void VL_NOT_FINAL::eval_step () 

function eventsPending

bool VL_NOT_FINAL::eventsPending () 

function final

void VL_NOT_FINAL::final () 

function hierName

const char * VL_NOT_FINAL::hierName () override const

function modelName

const char * VL_NOT_FINAL::modelName () override const

function name

const char * VL_NOT_FINAL::name () const

function nextTimeSlot

uint64_t VL_NOT_FINAL::nextTimeSlot () 

function threads

unsigned VL_NOT_FINAL::threads () override const

function trace

void VL_NOT_FINAL::trace (
    VerilatedVcdC * tfp,
    int levels,
    int options=0

function traceConfig

std::unique_ptr< VerilatedTraceConfig > VL_NOT_FINAL::traceConfig () override const

function ~Vtop

virtual VL_NOT_FINAL::~Vtop () 

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file titan/comms/verilog/tests/sim_build/Vtop.h

Last update: 2024-08-07