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Getting Started


This is currently a work-in-progress compiler. Please be aware that there will be some bugs stil rumaging around in the code.

Setting up

Cloning & Installing

To get started, clone the compiler repository. The master branch usually has builds which are slightly out of date, but should be functioning. The dev branch is more up-to-date, but could be broken.

Clone the master repo:

git clone -b master

Move into the cloned directory: bash cd titan

Install the required Python packages as specified in requirements.txt by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once cloned, execute titan/ with the appropriate command line arguments to run the compiler. There are example files available in the repository, under titan/sample_code/.

To execute the program, you can run the following in your terminal:

python3 titan/ titan/sample_code/

This is the source file being compiled by the command above:
def step(x0:int, x1:int, x2:int, x3:int) -> int:
    w0 = 3
    w1 = 4
    w2 = -1
    w3 = -2

    a = ((w0*x0) + (w1*x1)) + ((w2*x2) + (w3*x3))
    r = a if a > 0 else 0
    return r
It generates the following SystemVerilog code:
module step (
    input logic clock_i,
    input logic [31:0] x0,
    input logic [31:0] x1,
    input logic [31:0] x2,
    input logic [31:0] x3,
    output logic [31:0] r
    logic [31:0] titan_id_0;
    logic [31:0] titan_id_1;
    logic [31:0] titan_id_3;
    logic [31:0] titan_id_4;
    logic [31:0] titan_id_2;
    logic [31:0] titan_id_5;
    logic [31:0] titan_id_6;
    logic [31:0] titan_id_8;
    always_ff @ (posedge clock_i) begin
        titan_id_0 <= 3 * x0;
        titan_id_1 <= 4 * x1;
        titan_id_3 <= -1 * x2;
        titan_id_4 <= -2 * x3;
        titan_id_2 <= titan_id_0 + titan_id_1;
        titan_id_5 <= titan_id_3 + titan_id_4;
        titan_id_6 <= titan_id_2 + titan_id_5;
        titan_id_8 <= titan_id_6 > 0 ? titan_id_6 : 0;
    assign r = titan_id_8;

There are optional arguments available to modify the behaviour of the compiler. A reference is available here.

You should then be able to import these files into an FPGA project and program your device.

Flashing & Running

You can use the generated SystemVerilog files and program an FPGA with it, provided that it contains enough logic elements for your design.


The compiler currently does not automatically generate the necessary interface HDL files, these are available in titan/templates/verilog and can be modified to suit your module.


  1. Create a new project via the New Project Wizard in Quartus Prime.
  2. Import your source files.
  3. Assign FPGA pins - the current interface method requires 4 pins for SPI + 1 for the system clock. Make sure these are accessible and set to the correct direction.
  4. Run the compilation and flash onto the FPGA, or run a simulation.


The process is likely to be similar for other FPGA vendors, I simply do not have access to other FPGAs to write about it.


This compiler translates a subset of Python, and therefore some traditional features may not be available. Please ensure that your code fits within the defined subset so that it can be compiled. Additional features will require additional compiler work to make them compatible.

Types & Type hinting

Type hinting is required in both the function signature and when declaring a new variable with no default value, or no expression where the type can be inherited.

Supported types:

  • Integers
  • Booleans
  • Floats*

Floats can be converted into SPIR-V, but additional work is needed so that correct SystemVerilog can be generated. See issue #7.

Support for arrays is also limited, and requires you to define them via a decorator.


Functions can be defined, with type hinted parameters and with a single return but currently they cannot be called from the main function. Recursive functions are also not yet supported. See issues #10 and #11.


Only a variable can be returned - no immediate values or expressions (such as a + 3).

Arithmetic & Comparison operations

Addition +, subtraction -, division /, multiplication *, left & right shift <</>>, equal/not equal ==/!=, less than/less than or equal to </<=, greater than/greater than or equal to >/>= is supported for both integers and floats when compiling Python -> SPIR-V.

Division & floating point operators may fail when compiling to SystemVerilog -- this has not been fully tested, you've been warned!


Classes/Objects/other instances of OOP are not supported. This includes using dot operators to access attributes of an object.


import and import x as y statements can be processed, but it does not mean that the library itself will be included! It seems counterproductive, but it is used to only allow compatability with certain features of Numpy. These libraries will more than likely make use of unsupported syntax, requiring more work than necessary to get Titan working with it.

import x from y statements will also fail, again because there is no direct importing of code from external libraries.


Not implemented & reserved - these will be used to mark functions which should behave slightly differently. See issue #8.


No support at the moment. Should be implemented but requires evaluating whether the loop contains dependencies.


Only the ternary if statement (a if c > b else d) is supported, no regular if...elif...else statements.

Last update: 2024-08-07